How to Choose: VoIP vs. Traditional Phone System


You’ve probably heard plenty VoIP vs traditional phone system arguments over the last few years to a point where you perhaps turn them all off. If you’ve been using landline phones in your company for decades, it’s easy to get accustomed to using traditional phones. But as competition continues to become more intense in the business world, you’re likely realizing landline phones won’t help you scale.

With this in mind, you should start to take those VoIP arguments more seriously. Even if you think an upgrade just wouldn’t work for you, a sudden burst of growth in your company could mean falling behind your competitors.

In truth, using a landline phone has more liabilities than you’ve perhaps ever thought about. VoIP (or Voice over Internet Protocol) works on a higher level where features are exponentially more effective at managing calls.

Let’s look at the differences between VoIP and traditional phone systems to see why there really isn’t any contest in today’s business climate.

Price Differences

You’ll discover a huge chasm between phone company charges and what you’ll pay for VoIP. For the most part, VoIP works on a flat-rate system per month, though the amount varies based on your provider. Many services don’t charge for long-distance rates, which is a major advantage when you’re making consistent outbound calls to other states or countries. As you grow, this is frequently necessary as you link with other business partners.

In comparison, standard phone companies still charge you plenty for just local calls. This doesn’t include long-distance bills that continue to climb the more calls you make.

After a full day doing long-distance calls, you could expect to pay hundreds of dollars every month that could quickly sink any early profits.

The same goes for cell phone carriers, including international rate charges that typically become outrageous.

Storing Caller Information

VoIP often uses the cloud to store data, which your phone agents can access at will. If your company makes frequent outbound calls for sales, this is essential when you’re nurturing leads. Customers appreciate it as well since it lets you pass on instant information to them when they need it during calls. This eliminates a phone agent having to leave the line to confirm a key piece of data.

It helps with determining who’s calling in as well since ID gets routed through your existing Internet line. High-speed Internet is all you need to enjoy all of VoIP’s features, which is impossible to do with a landline phone.

Creating Exclusive Extensions on Mobile Devices

Using a traditional phone can certainly give you extensions within your office, though it’s challenging with your cell phone without exorbitant charges from your carrier. As your employees work more in the field, how can you create a mobile extension number to easily reach you, and for you to reach them?

VoIP solutions let you create an extension number through individual mobile devices so employees can take or place calls without extra fees. Now you’ll give your employees freedom to work at home or elsewhere without making it a problem in being able to communicate.

Conferencing Ability

Another thing that landline phones can’t do is give you extensive voice conferencing ability. You might find some services allowing a limited amount of this through a standard phone. Regardless, VoIP uses the cloud to expand on this so you can talk to multiple people at once.

Rather than spend extra bucks on services like Skype, VoIP services frequently incorporate video conferencing as well. Some providers let you talk with dozens of people in perfect clarity so it feels like a real meeting.

Contact us here at BWS Technologies so we can set up a VoIP solution in your company to finally get yourself away from phone company pain points.

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